Millwright Jobs

It takes a lot of equipment and machinery to keep an oil or gas drilling site running smoothly. Compressors, industrial and stationary engines, pumps and compressors, electrical and electronic controls, and power tools are just a few of the items a millwright is responsible for installing and/or maintaining. If any of these pieces of equipment malfunctions, it could close down a site, costing the company thousands of dollars. It could also cause serious injury. It is a millwright’s job to install, construct, repair, and maintain the heavy equipment and tools used in the oil and gas industry by producers and refiners. It can be hard physical labor and in the oil and gas industry, workers can spend the majority of their day outside in extreme weather conditions.

In this section:

Millwrights work for a broad range of industries from food manufacturers and construction companies to mining companies. In the oil and gas industry, millwrights are critical employees when it comes to extraction and refining. ExxonMobil, BP, and Chevron are common employers. There are opportunities for both men and women as millwrights in the industry. However, men still dominate the occupation, usually because of the demanding physical requirements.

In Focus: Millwrights Jobs and Training Programs

There are opportunities for both men and women as millwrights in the industry. However, men still dominate the occupation, usually because of the demanding physical requirements.

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What Millwrights Do
