Is It Safe To Work On A Rig?

Many people are surprised to learn that the offshore drilling industry has one of the best safety records of all heavy manufacturing sectors. That is not just the industry tooting it’s own horn, either, but composite data from the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA,) the prime federal agency that oversees worker and overall industrial safety, and the Minerals Management Service (MMS,) which plays additional data-keeping roles for the offshore drilling industry.

OSHA statistics show that the offshore industry has 70% lower injury and illness rate than other private industries. The onshore drilling industry has an exceptional safety record, as well. In fact, many of the industry’s “best practices” overall were derived from the onshore drilling sector, where many offshore workers got their start in the drilling sector. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS,) the rate of work-related injury and illness in the oil and gas extraction industry was 1.6 per 100 full-time workers, considerably lower than the 3.6 for the entire private sector. “Improvements in drilling technology and oil rig operations, such as remote-controlled drills, have led to fewer injuries,” BLS reported.

Concern about safety on drilling rigs is genuine, and not just because it’s regulated, but because the industry prides itself on meeting and beating as many safety records as possible. One good way to get fired from a rig job is to not be diligent about safety at all times.

Safety regulations and procedures are extremely complex in the oil and gas industry at large, and that includes the drilling, or extraction sector. These are the primary areas OHSA regulates for drilling and related service and supply concerns, with the underlined items representing links to the agency’s site See Webpage. Use the links below, which will direct you to more information on each topic:

In short, attention to safety is paramount in any and all jobs on oil and gas drilling rigs. There is no room whatsoever for slack or corner-cutting where safety is concerned. If you cannot work in an environment where “safety first” really means that, then the oil and gas drilling industry may not be your best bet. Attention to safety is that continuous and serious a matter on oil and gas rigs.

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